There were many rules for young ladies, especially young ladies of the nobility. Where they could go, what they could do, who they could be seen with—the list seemed to never end. And though Olivia, princess of Yardleigh, was aware of these rules...she seemed hellbent to break every one in an instant.

Oh, there would be a riot if she were to be caught right now. Not only was she out on her own without one of her father's guards, she was alone in the presence of a man, a common man, in a barn, and she was in a state of undress that society might consider shameful. But for Olivia, she was feeling anything but shame right now—and the most principle of the feelings she was feeling was a deep, burning, throbbing lust.

She was a young woman of a certain age, so these feelings were nothing new to her. But she'd done her best to follow the rules up until this point, and though her body yearned to be touched, she did not give in to those base, animalistic urges. It was harder to ignore those instincts now, however, with the broad-shouldered, half-undressed man in front of her.

Theodore was a farmer, son of one of her father's serfs. His skin showed the years of hard work he'd done even at his young age of just twenty-two years, and the warm tan of his skin from hours in the sun was a stark contrast to her own, fair and lily white. Olivia quite liked the distinction, her thin fingers brushing over his freckle-covered shoulder.

He shivered at the touch, but she suspected it was not from cold. Theo's lips were parted, his chest rising and falling as his breathing got heavier, and his skin was covered in goosebumps despite the flush to his cheeks and the warmth against her hand. Feeling bold, she slid her hand from his shoulder to his abdomen, her fingertips ghosting over his skin—she was afraid of doing this incorrectly.

"Princess," he breathed, but she clucked her tongue.

"Call me Olivia," she replied, her words barely more than a whisper. "When I'm with you here, me by my name. I need to hear it from your lips."

"Olivia," he said dutifully, and the way the word sounded in his rumbling voice did nothing to quell the fluttering in her chest or the burning in her loins. "Are you certain you want to lay with me?"

The bluntness of his question made her glance away for a moment, sheepish. Despite her lust, there was something about this that was flustering her—and she was normally the outspoken one. But the fact that he was ensuring she wanted to continue did something to her heart, and it squeezed in her chest with a new surge of affection.

She'd never curse God, but she wishes, oh she wishes, how their circumstances could be different.

"I am sure," she reassured him, moving her hand from his abdomen up to try and touch his face, and he bent down a bit to accomodate her height. As her fingers brushed against his jaw, he let his cheek sink into her touch, closing his eyes. Oh how she wishes she were just a woman in the village so she could live like this forever. "There is no one else I want to give my purity to but you."

One of his large hands cradled the back of her head before he bent down even more, closing the distance between them to press his lips against hers. It was not the first kiss they'd shared, but it was certainly the most unchaste. Lips still locked in an embrace, she opened her mouth to allow his tongue entrance. It felt filthy, but in the best possible way—and it did nothing but increase the intensity of her lust.

All she wore now was her shift. When they separated to breathe, she looked up and maintained eye contact with him as she lifted the garment up and over her head, letting it fall to the side. Olivia had been nude around her ladies in waiting before, but never in front of a man—and though she was doing her best to stay confident, there was a fear creeping in the pit of her stomach.

That fear melted away, however, when Theo kissed her again. It was harder, more fervent, and she could feel the rumblings from his throat as he moaned into the embrace. This embrace was shorter than the last, but he was left panting when they separated, still holding her close. The look in his eyes was enough to make her feel weak.

"If I knew no better, I would have thought God sent an angel to me," he murmured against her lips. "But at risk of being blasphemous, I don't think there is an angel in Heaven that is as beautiful as you, Olivia."

"Careful, Theo," she warns him, but there's a smile on her lips. The apprehension about being nude has since washed away, and she presses her body against his. "Do you want God to smite you where you stand?"

"Nay—not before I have a chance to taste you."

She didn't know that he meant 'taste' so literally. He kneels in front of her, but her heart jumps to her throat when she watches him bury his face in the spot between her legs—the spot where her lust was so intense that it wet the insides of her thighs. When she feels his tongue between the folds of her cunt, her knees wobble, and she has to cling to him in order to stay upright.

This was the feeling she'd been missing after all those nights of carnal agony. She was unable to hold back the hedonistic sounds that came bursting from her lungs, their pitch getting higher as he continued to run his tongue over the apex of her desire. Her body felt like it had been lit aflame, and her skin burned—and yearned—for his touch.

It didn't take much longer until she felt it. Deep within her, the sensations grew more and more intense until they shattered with a pang of pleasure. Her womb—a part of her body she'd never felt before this moment—felt like it was skipping for joy, and it was joyful. She felt euphoric in a way she'd never felt before, but she also felt like bursting into tears.

She slid down to sit, legs still weak and shaking, but a gentle hand placed on her knee jolted her from her daze. Though part of her felt incredibly shy and exposed for Theo to see her like this, a strong and profound feeling of affection trumped it. Pushing herself onto her hands and knees, she crawled over to him before kissing him again. There was a new taste on his lips—her own taste, and it felt sinful that she thought it tasted good.

"Did you find my taste agreeable?" she asked, pulling back just enough to speak.

"Like ambrosia," he murmured, then paused to swallow. Theo's voice cracked just a bit as he continued to speak. "Olivia, I don't know how to say this politely, so please forgive me...but I need you."

"Then take me," she breathed. Her heart fluttered, both with anticipation and nerves. "I am fully yours."

She knew Theo had experience in the act of intercourse, and for that she was grateful. With his hands guiding her, she laid back on the floor of the barn, not caring about the pebbles and bits of straw that pressed into her elbows and backside. It was only now that he removed the last of his clothing, a pair of trousers that were unceremoniously shoved down and tossed to the side.

What was between his legs made her eyes widen. She was inexperienced, but she wasn't a stupid girl. Her ladies in waiting had educated her on what to expect on her wedding night, after all, and Olivia had expressed doubt at the time about how the male appendage was supposed to fit inside of her. Seeing a cock for the first time in person only brought those doubts back up to the surface.

"Theo, you're going to split me in half."

It's now Theo's turn to be sheepish. With a slight chuckle he turns his head to the side, and she can tell he's blushing. Clearing his throat, he turns his attention back to her, though there's a sparkle in his eye that hadn't been there a moment prior.

"I promise you I won't," he reassured her. "I would never dream of doing anything to hurt you, my lady. I'll go slowly, and if you want me to stop, just say the word and I will."

Olivia was used to her word being obeyed, but she knew that with Theo, he would listen out of care for her as a person, not for her rank. And though she was still nervous, the excitement was starting to grow deep within her womb again. She was taught to ignore her biological urges, but no one ever told her that indulging in them would feel so incredible.

She simply nods in reply, and he gives her a single nod back. Their eyes are locked on one another as he crawls closer to her, and she lets her legs fall open instinctively. There's a warm weight that is pressed up against her cunt, and her heart is in her throat again, but she just gives him another nod to urge him to keep going.

The feeling of his cock entering her is nothing like she would have imagined. It stings a little, then it stings a bit more as he presses further inside of her, then it stings enough for her to draw a quick intake of breath.

"Relax, Olivia," he murmurs, eyebrows knit together. "Do you need me to stop?"

"No," she replies, voice strained but adamant. "Can you kiss me again, please?"

She doesn't know why she asks for a kiss, but he obliges without question. Unlike the heated kisses from earlier, this embrace is soft and tender, and she's lost in her thoughts about how good he tastes when she feels him pressing into her again. The sting is still there, but it's not enough to cause her pain—and after a few moments, she realizes she likes how it feels.

All she can feel now is an overwhelming sense of fullness, and it feels good. And just when she thinks that she can't take much more, she feels a slight pop in her cunt, and the full length of his cock is swallowed up inside of her.

"Fuck," she whines, lips breaking free of their embrace to gasp out a breath.

"That's not a very polite word for a princess," Theo says, a slight smile on his lips.

"It's the only word I can think of at the moment."

"Well, my lady, is it an exclamation or a command?"

She can't help but smile a little bit herself, now. "Both."

If she thought it felt good to simply have a cock inside of her, she was quickly corrected once she felt a cock thrusting in and out of her. She craned her neck to look down between their bodies, and Theo leaned back slightly to accomodate her curiousity. With rapt attention she watched as his member disappeared inside of her, only to reappear moments later, glistening with the wetness born of her lust.

"A little faster, please," she breathed, and when he obeyed, she leaned back once more and her eyes fluttered shut. Every sensation was new, and she could feel herself growing wetter and wetter—and before long, she could hear it too, with every thrust. It didn't take long for that feeling of pleasure to start growing inside of her womb again, a feeling she now understood.

Or, she thought she understood it. But the sensations started to feel different, and then she started to get worried—because she knew what this feeling meant, it it was not something she wanted to happen during sex.

"Theo," she stammered, opening her eyes and pushing herself up onto her elbows. "Can you stop, please?"

Looking up at her, he did as he was asked, but he looked confused. Once he stopped, the sensation went away. "Is everything alright, my lady?"

"Yes," she said, shaking her head slightly. "I'm sorry, it's nothing."

"Are you certain?"

"I am," she reiterated, even though it was a slight fib. With a bit more urging, he finally slid his member back inside of her and began to fuck her again in earnest. And once again, that feeling of a climax began to build inside of her womb—but so did that other feeling. She put her hand on his arm to stop him again, but it was too late this time.

As he pulled out of her, she climaxed, and it felt even better than the last. But that sensation, the one she was trying to avoid, was released too—the sensation of urination. But it didn't feel like she was urinating, as embarrassing as it was—she felt incredible. Her cunt, still stretched from the size of Theo's cock, clamped down around nothing, and with each contraction, a gush of liquid was expelled from inside of her.

Once her climax subsided, a red flush spread across her cheeks and chest. Covering her face, she rolled over, but Theo placed his hand on her leg.

"Darling, what's the matter?" he asked, and she could hear the concern in his voice.

"What's the matter?" she parroted back, trying not to sound hysterical. "I've just pissed myself while we were fucking."

"That wasn't piss." He sounded slightly incredulous, and she resented that (only a little). "I'm not quite sure what it was, but it wasn't piss. Trust me."

It did lack the...odor, she supposed. Turning back over so she's sitting upright, she looked down at the liquid that pooled on the stone floor, then back up at Theo. She was still flushed, and the tips of her ears were now burning with embarrassment.

"What do you suppose it was?" she asked, voice sounding a bit smaller now.

"I'm not sure, my lady," he said, scooting closer to her. She notices that his leg is in the liquid, and it brings her some form of comfort to know that she hasn't disgusted him to the point of not wanting to touch her or be close to her. "Perhaps it is seed?"

She remembers her ladies in waiting explaining that the act of sex usually ends when the man has spilled his seed inside of a woman. But what if the woman was the one who spilled her seed?

"I'm not sure," she says, pulling her knees up to her chest. "Does it not repulse you?"

"Repulse me?" Now he was the one repeating her questions back to her. "Quite the opposite. I found it very attractive."

Her gaze softened. There was something about Theo that made her trust him implicitly.

"So we can keep going?" she asks, and he chuckles softly.

"I would certainly like to."

She had already begun to miss the feeling of his cock inside of her. Leaning back, she spread her legs once more and welcomed him back into her. It was only now that she really started to watch him as he took her, studying his expressions and watching the way his muscles rippled under his skin.

There's a feeling blooming in her heart that scares her.

But her thoughts are pushed to the side when she hears Theo let out a loud moan. She's about to complain when he pulls out of her, but doesn't get the chance. He rests his cock against her cunt and grunts as a rope of something thick and white splatters onto her stomach, followed by another one, then another, and then a little dribble.

"That's your seed?" she asks after he's come back down, his body relaxing.

"It is," he says. She can't help but notice how winded he sounds, and something about that brings her an odd sense of pride. "I know it's supposed to be inside of you and not on your stomach, but I think I'd get into more trouble for impregnating the princess than I would for breaking the church's laws."

"I wish..." she began, but stopped herself. After a pause, however, she continued. "I wish you could get me pregnant."

Theo looks surprised for a moment, but his expression melts. "You do?"

"I do," she nods. The scary feeling is back in her chest, but it's not a bad feeling. It's just a feeling she knows she's not supposed to have. "I wish I could be just a girl in your village, a girl who could marry you, because I do believe I've started to fall deeply in love with you, Theodore."

"I've been in love with you," he chuckles, but despite the slight smile and laughter, she can tell he's not happy. "You don't know how many nights I've cursed the circumstances of my birth that keeps me from being able to love you 'officially.'"

Tears well up in her eyes, but Olivia rubs them away. There's dirt on her hands from the floor of the barn, but she doesn't care. Sitting up, she grabs Theo by the shoulders and pulls him into a kiss—being so forward might put off other men, but Theo's not like those men. And that's why she's in love with him.

"I am my father's youngest daughter," she says, pulling away and pressing her forehead against his. "I don't stand to inherit his titles or his land. Perhaps...perhaps I could speak with him..."

"Olivia," Theo sighs, giving her a rather pitiful look. "I'm not sure if that's a very good idea..."

"Why not?" she asks. "I want to be with you, and nobody but you. If I can't force society to change to allow you to join me in my world, I would gladly give up everything I have to join you in yours. What use is my life if I have to live it unhappily, full of resentment, and without love?"

Her answer is Theo's lips pressed against hers once again. And though she wishes she could spend the rest of her days kissing him on the floor of a barn, she knows she needs to return home. After getting dressed and washing up the best she could, she braids her hair into two braids before wrapping them around her head. Snatching Theo's tunic before he could put it back on, she draped it over her head like a scarf.

"What do you think?" she asks cheekily.

"What is that for?" he asked, responding to her question with a question. "You look beautiful, as you always do."

"When we get married, this is what I'll look like, just with an actual veil instead of your tunic."

"You can use my tunic as your veil whenever you like, my love," he chuckled, though she could see a slight flush on his cheeks. "You'd better get back home, or you'll never have a chance to become my wife."

"Or we could run away, right now—"

"Safe travels, princess," he says, but over-emphasizes the word 'princess' and bows deeply to her. She can't help but chuckle, pecking him on the cheek before handing the tunic back to him.

"Fare thee well, my darling. I'll see you again soon."

Somehow, she managed to get back to the castle and sneak in without anyone being any the wiser as to where she'd been. And while her ladies in waiting were a little curious as to why she wanted a bath in the middle of the day, they drew it for her anyway, while the laundresses took her soiled clothes away to be cleaned.

Sinking into the hot water of the tub, she closed her eyes—she was exhausted, but she couldn't help but think about what had happened earlier in the day, which did nothing more than make her cunt ache with desire once more. One hand slid between her legs and the other cupped one of her teats, rubbing the sensitive bud that was beginning to harden. Glancing at the door, she bit her lip. If she could stay quiet...

She had 18 years of exploring to catch up on, after all.